When we come to ethiopia, March 8 was celebrated for the past 37 years. Despite, the actual meaning and message of the slogan that is raised each year, it is not seen being practised in the society. The event is celebrated country wide for that day but we see the contrary of the message through out the year. As a result, Ethiopia is one of the top countries known for women human right abuse. Despite the constitution that clearly states the right of every women, we see under age girls subjected to human trafficking, forced for prostitution and it is seen done mostly by government officials.
In addition, a lot of uneducated young girls will be forced to leave their country one way or another, to make their livings in arab countries. Most young girls will go through legal agreement which is signed by agents run by government officials . However, these young girls will be subjected to a lot of human right abuse in these countries and Ethiopian government will not protect them according to the signed aggrements. We can see the November, 2013 saudi arabia masacre.
Currently in Ethiopia, it is very difficult for educated young girls to be successful in their feild. This is because young girls on education like in universities and coledges might be subjected to harrasmenment by their lecturers. Furthermore, after they graducate its very difficult for them to find jobs because they will face the same problem. However, the administration in schools, coledges , university and government officess is
not accountable and transparent. As a result many young girls will loss hope.
We ethiopian women hope one day we could fully practice our rights and freedom in our country . To acheve this we must all work together so that this day will be soon.
Hanna Semere
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